Some Common Causes of Tooth Pain

Pain in your teeth could be very disturbing. Your whole day passes in a mess once the toothache starts getting severe. However, do you know that some causes of toothache are more serious than others? There can be different reasons your teeth hurt, and here we will share some of the most common ones. Decay or cavities Cavities are the result of tooth decay. However, all cavities do not hurt. Your dentist can only tell if you have cavities. Tooth decay usually happens because of poor dental habits and consuming the wrong type of food items. If you feel pain is because of decay, you should search for the Dental clinic Delhi and choose a suitable dentist. Tooth abscess A tooth abscess is actually a hole in the teeth where pus has accumulated. Bacterial infections usually cause these. They can also happen if you are suffering from periodontal diseases or cavities that you have not got treated for yet. Pulpitis Pulpitis is when your tooth pulp gets inflamed or infecte...