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Foods that can damage your teeth

Dental care is an integral part of our overall health. Our teeth are what anyone notices at a meeting. Not taking care of them also leaves a wrong impression on the other person. Besides regular habits like brushing teeth and flossing, we must be careful about what we eat. Here are some foods that could damage our teeth. Soda and sweetened beverages We all know the harmful effects of soda and carbonated drinks on our overall health. However, these items are acidic. They attract bacteria to your teeth and let them thrive. These drinks also increase the acid production in your body. Even diet soda is highly erosive and can wear out your teeth in no time. If faced with such a situation, search for the delhi best dentist , and he will sort out your dental woes. Baked sweets and sugary cereal Starting your day with sugary cereal is sure to catch your teeth unawares. These food items are full of sugar and refined carbohydrates, both of which are damaging to your teeth and body. Instead, you